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Personality development is a tool through which we bring out students capabilities and their strengths, making aware their own inner self and become more confident to face the outside world. An individual needs more than just qualifications and knowledge, so we are concentrating on the overall development of our students.
- Language Labs
- Regular Sports hours for students and they involve in both indoor and outdoor games.
- Counselling services for students.
- Career orientation program for outgoing students.
- Opportunity for group works.
- 25 hours of Yoga training for all 1st year Students who are enrolled for the Basic B.Sc. Nursing course.
- Guest Lectures
Students Nurses Association (SNA) functions at every college level. Principal DR. S. Madhavi is the president of SNA unit and Ms. Padma is the unit SNA Advisor. SNA provides opportunity to explore the hidden potentials of students by giving them opportunity to involve in co-curricular, extra-curricular activities and to participate in the state & national level intercollegiate competitions. It helps to enhance the students' leadership skill, organization skill and communication skill which enable them to learn team work.
Every year Medifest program is organized and conducted in the month of December. All the students are given opportunity to explore their talents in the various events like dance (folk, western), singing competitions, quiz, painting, megandi, rangoli, tenicoit, carom, chess, shuttle, shotput, disc throw, relay, running, long jump etc. Students also participate in "Kovai Marathon" and win prizes every year.
- Dr. Kathiravan, Designated Medical Officer in Food Analysis Laboratory, Coimbatore district gave us update information regarding Food safety and awareness on Food adulteration.
- Ms. C.A. Saroja, Enterostomal therapist, Retired Nursing Superintendent of Stanley Medical College Hospital, Chennai shared her views about taking care of patients with the students.
- Advocates from JWALA (Justice for Women Aggrieved Legal Aid & Awareness), an NGO of women Lawyer of Coimbatore, elaborated on legal rights for women
- Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Prescribers from UK Ms. Angela Lawerence, Ms.Linda Longmore and Ms. Hannah Harrison spoke on Nursing Perspectives and Current scenario in nursing at UK.
- Ms. Esther Geraldine, Senior Entomologist gave a lecture on Current Scenario and Challenges in the control of Vector Borne diseases (VBD) on 07.04.2014.
- Dr. Balasubramaniam, Medical Officer Govt. PHC delivered a speech on Clinical Spectrum and Management of VBD on 07.04.2014.
- A guest lecture on Eye donation and corneal transplantation was arranged on 30.11.2013. Dr. Rajath Kapoor from Sankara Eye Center, Saravanampatti, delivered the lecture.
- DR. Shripriya.V, Director Management Sciences of NGP Arts & Science gave a speech on Hospitality and Patient Satisfaction.
With a view to enhance clinical competency, hands on workshop with experts in the respective field as resource persons are conducted for students.
- On April 23 & 24th, 2015 Competency enhancement workshop on Enterostomal therapy was arranged. The 3rd year and 4th year B.Sc nursing students participated and got trained in ostomy care and also received certificates. Ms. C.A. Saroja, Enterostomal therapist, Retired Nursing Superintendent of Stanley Medical College Hospital, Chennai was the resource person.
- Workshop on "First Aid training" by St. John's Ambulance was conducted on 20, 21 & 22nd April 2015 for the 1st year B.Sc Nursing students.
- Workshop on Pediatric Basic Life Support (BLS) was organized at PSG on behalf of National Assembly on Paediatric Emergency Management (NAPEM) on 20th February 2015. Around 40 final year and PG students have undergone the training and received the certificates.
- Training Program for students and nurses on HIV/ART was conducted on 10th to 12th September 2014. Master trainer and facilitator of National AIDS control program of Coimbatore District, Dr. B. Mohammed Ali and Dr. Chandrasekar ART Nodal officer have joined us on this occasion.
- Workshop on "Infection Prevention and You" was conducted on 11th December 2013 at KMCH. Faculty and PG students attended and benefitted out of it.
Women's day celebrated in the month of March 2015, by organizing many competitions for students like English elocution, Tamil and English poetry, painting and wealth out of waste.
International Women's day was celebrated on March 2014 by arranging various off-stage competitions and Debate on Women safety, whose responsibility? A session on HPV vaccination against cervical cancer was presented by Dr. Athima Pathak, KMCH hospital.
Lamp lighting ceremony was conducted on 9th January for the 1st year B.Sc Nursing students.
Fresher welcome party was conducted for 22nd batch of B.Sc Nursing students and 5th Batch of Post Basic B.Sc Nursing on 18th November, 2014.
In September 2014, Farewell party was organized and conducted for 18th batch of B.Sc Nursing and 3rd batch of PB B.Sc Nursing students.
Teacher's day was celebrated in the month of September 2014 by organizing various games program for faculty.
Thanks giving party conducted by 18th batch of B.Sc Nursing and 3rd batch of PB B.Sc Nursing students on 23rd of September 2014.
On April 29 & 30th, International Nurses day was observed. Students were divided into 4 groups like Ruby, Emerald, Diamond and Sapphire. Competitions like wealth out of waste, painting, rangoli, poetry, essay, elocution, solo song, group song, solo dance folk & western etc., were conducted among the groups.
- Students Participated in the MINERVA 2015, Quiz competition at Gokulam College of Nursing, Salem.
- SNA Biennial conference, 2015 at Chithirai College of Nursing, Madurai. Our students participated in various events like on the spot painting, poster presentation, model presentation and dance competitions. They won 1st prize in poster competition, 2nd prize in solo classical and 3rd prize in solo western.
- 2013- KMCH Nursing college Throw ball Team headed by Ms. Dhivya won the State level Championship while in the art section Ms. Swapna Charly got 1st prize in spot painting & Ms. Mahalakshmi got 2nd prize in Rangoli in a "25th SNA BIENNIAL CONFERENCE 2013" held at Annai JKK Sampoorani Ammal College of Nursing, Komarapalayam.
- III year B.Sc students won 3rd prize for poster presentation at a state level conference conducted at Annai Meenakshi College of Nursing.
- Zenith 2014 – a quiz program conducted by PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore 0n 29th of November. Our 4th year B.Sc Nursing students have participated in it.
- Minerva-2014, a quiz programme was organized by Gokulam College of Nursing, Salem. 3 of four 4th year B.Sc Nursing students participated and won 2nd prize.

- Lecture on Depression by Dr. Ravi Gupta on April 7th 2017.
- Lecture on Adolescent Depression by Dr. D. Srinivasan on April 11th 2017 were organized.
- Students participated in a "Leprosy Awareness rally" conducted by Sparsh Leprosy Awareness Campaign on 30.01.2017.
- Training of Nurses on HIV/AIDS & ART was conducted on 29.11.16 at KMCH. Dr. B. Mohamed Ali, Master trainer & Facilitator NACP, Coimbatore delivered keynote address and chief guest address by Dr.Banumathy.
- 25.11.16 – II year B.Sc (N) students participated in a Rally on "Organ Donation"
- Swachh Bharat Mission was organized by Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation, RACC foundation & KMCH College of Nursing on 18.11.16. The topics discussed are Gramin and solid waste management by Dr. Meenakshi Bharath, Sustainable menstruation by Er. Malini Parmer, Founder of STONESOUP, Bangalore & Swachagraha by Smt. Lalitha Mondresi & Ms, Vasuki Iyengar.
- Students won 2nd prize in a Quiz program conducted at Vinayaka Mission College of Nursing at Salem on 18.11.2016.
- 14.11.16 – Diabetes Day Celebrated by exhibiting models inorder to educate public at KMCH campus by 2nd year B.Sc (N) Students.
- April 7th 2015 – World health day was celebrated on the theme "Food Safety"
- Students participated in Poster presentation, Project Exhibition, PPT presentation and Quiz Programme on the Theme "Food Safety"
- April 7th 2014 – World health day was celebrated on the theme "Vector Borne Diseases, Small bite – Big threat". Poster exhibition and podium presentation competitions were organized.
- March 24th 2015 – World Tuberculosis day was celebrated.
- Awareness program was arranged by 4th year B.Sc (N) students by displaying models and posters at Kovilpalayam PHC, Veeriyampalyam and Kalappati.
- National Sadbavna Diwas Day is celebrated on 20th August to commemorate the birth anniversary of the earlier Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi. Our 100 students took the Sadbavana Diwas oath as mark of equality.
- November 14th 2014 – World Diabetes day celebration.
- Cookery competition on Diabetic Diet was arranged for students and they participated enthusiastically.
- Students displayed exhibits and educated people on prevention and care of Diabetes mellitus at Vazhaliyampalayam, Kalappatti and Veeriyampalayam.
- December 5th 2014, World AIDS day was celebrated. On December 1st Students displayed exhibits and conducted Health education program on HIV/AIDS in the community areas.
- From September 29 to October 1st, 2014 - World heart day was celebrated in the KMCH campus. Blood pressure, Glucometer random blood sugar and BMI were assessed for public.
- Awareness on prevention of heart diseases was stressed by using models and giving diet instructions. 550 people were benefited out of it.
- World Population day: On 11th July, Our B.Sc Nursing 1st year students 98 and 4 faculties participated in a Rally on behalf of world Population day celebrations from Coimbatore District Collector Office to Race Course.
- Role play was conducted by our students at Bishop Appasamy College Seminar hall on World population day theme. On October 25th World Population day celebration was arranged at KMCH.
- A special address delivered by Dr. Geetha, Incharge Medical Officer, S.S.Kulam.
- Mr. Velmurugan, Health Inspector delivered a speech on Population control strategies and the theme "Investing in Young people"
- Ms. Thara, Statistical Assistant, S.S. Kulam PHC, shared the statistics and impact of population explosion.
- Prize distribution for students won in Essay competitions on the topic population explosion and its impact on society which was held on 13th October.
- August 1 to 7, 2014 - World Breast feeding week: World breast feeding week was celebrated by displaying exhibits for the public.
- 21.02.2015 - Swine flu & Dengue fever awareness.
- 21.02.2015 - Roof Gardening & Rain water harvesting awareness.
- 22.02.2015 - Pulse Polio/AIDS/TB awareness .
- 22.02.2015 - Eye donation awareness.
- 22.02.2015 - Cooking and Rangoli competitions for public.
- 23.02.2015 - Kaya Kalpa Yoga
- 23.02.2015 - Importance of Nature and Tree plantation.
- 24.02.2015 - Anuvavi Temple and Periyathadagam garden visit
- 25.02.2015 - General Medical Camp
- 25.02.2015Sports competitions, First aid demonstration.
- 26.02.2015 - Road safety & legal awareness program.
- Pulse Polio Immunization (PPI) Programme: Every year our students participate in Pulse Polio Immunization programme.
- In January & February 2015, Students actively involved in PPI programme including mopping and covered around 2030 children
- Youth Red Cross training cum study camp was organized by Bharathiyar University from 12th to 16th December.
- Four of our B.Sc Nursing students along with YRC co-ordinator Mrs. Mohanambal, Asst. Professor attended the camp. The main objective of the camp was to develop healthy life style.
- Red ribbon Club was inaugurated on 01-10-2011. Regular activities are organized and conducted to spread awareness on HIV by Red ribbon Club. Prof. P. Kuzhanthaivel is the Red Ribbon Club Co-ordinator.
- HIV awareness program on the theme "Celebrating Life" was organized at by KMCH CON & RED RIBBON CLUB, Coimbatore around 200 students participated in the program.
- Mr. Jayakumar ICTC officer, Gandhipuram shared his views about the theme "Celebrating life" on 29th November, 2014.
- An interactive session on People Living with HIV- PLWH was arranged with Mr. Somesh, Director Coimbatore, Network for positive people.
- Visit By students to ICTC- (Integrated counselling and testing centre), Coimbatore and had field training on counselling, diagnosis and Treatment of HIV and AIDS on 12th September 2014.

- Journal Club Activities are regularly conducted to update faculty knowledge on various topics
Faculty are deputed to attend conferences and seminars to outside colleges. They are also motivated to publish articles in journals, present papers and posters at various conferences.
CNE programs are organized and conducted in each speciality areas like Medical Surgical Nursing, Paediatric Nursing, Community health Nursing, OBG Nursing and Psychiatric Nursing.
Ph.D PROGRAM IN NURSING: Faculty can perceive opportunity to complete Phd in our institution itself.
E- LEARNING: Web-based modules are available for the faculty to equip themselves with adequate knowledge in variety of special areas.
- 06.05.17 to 09.05.17 – Faculty Development Program on "Teaching Methods " was conducted at KMCH College of Nursing.
- 21st April 2016 – CNE on Patient Safety Series: Meeting the Challenges of Patient Safety in Oncology Nursing.
- 20th October 2016 – CNE on Patient Safety Series: Ensuring Safety for Hospitalized Children.
- Faculty are allocated to attend a Seminar on "Quality Assurance in Higher Education" to learn about alternative methods of teaching at NGP Arts & Science College.
- Workshop – Innovation in Teaching and Learning methods on 22nd May 2015.
- Workshop on OSCE / OSPE on 23rd May 2015
- Workshop on WEB – Based Teaching and Learning
- Training of trainers for STOMA THERAPY at KMCH– Prof. N.B.Mahalakshmi, Mrs. V.C. Jeyalakshmi and Mrs. Ruby Anitha (March, 2015)
- Training of trainers for TUBERCULOSIS & MALARIA CONTROL at CMC, Vellore under GFTAM – Asso. Prof. Sumathi & Mrs. Malarkodi (2014 & 2015).
- Workshop on Pediatric Basic Life support organized at PSG by National Assembly on Paediatric Emergency Management on 20th February 2015 – Prof. S. Renuka, Prof. N.B. Mahalakshmi, Prof. Amudha Kathiresan, Ms. R. Sasikala and Ms. V.C. Jeyalakshmi.
- AHA certified trainer and provider for BLS and ACLS at TACT Academy, Chennai - Prof. DR. Balasubramanian (2014).
- Training of trainers for HIV-AIDS at CMC, Vellore– Prof. Sivagami Ramanathan and Prof. P. Kuzhanthaivel (April 2014).
- One day workshop cum training on Application of SPSS package for all Faculties on 09.03.2013.
- AHA certified trainers for BLS at TACT academy, Chennai - Prof. DR.K. Balasubramanian and Mrs. Mohanambal (2010).
- Training of trainers on HIV/AIDS at PSG – Prof. S. Renuka, Prof. V. Vijayalakshmi Prof. Amudha Kathiresan and Ms. A. Saradha were attended in 2011.
- Training in INFECTION CONTROL for One month – Mrs. Saratha-2010.
Faculty clinical meetings are conducted regularly and discussion on clinical conditions encountered by faculty which has clinical significance is discussed in this patient centred conference
- Faculty with more than 5 years of tenure receive rewards.
- Faculty are offered with rewards who do publish articles in the journals with high impact factor.
- Medical Insurance facilities
- The Faculty orientation provides new faculty with a detailed introduction to campus resources and includes discussions regarding the faculty's responsibilities to their departments and college.

Kovai Medical Center & Hospital alongwith Rotary club have started the long term project on 02.10.2011. The main objective of the project is to detect the cervical and breast cancer in its early stage by mammogram and Pap smear test for about 4000 women between the age of 40 and 60 years. This program is running successfully.
- Dental, Eye screening camp for students of NGP Arts & Science College was arranged on 8th October 2014.
- Three faculties, 12 students from our college and physicians from KMCH were conducted the program. Around 848 students were screened for dental, eye problems and also checked their BMI. Around 153 students were identified with eye problems and 430 students with dental problems.
- School health program was organized and conducted on 19th of September 2014 at NGP School. Paediatricians, Ophthalmologists, Dentists, 4 nursing faculty and 20 B.Sc nursing students were involved in the program.
- Total 613 students ranging from Pre-kg to 8th standard were screened for health problems. Around 215 students found with health problems.
- Health awareness program for School children was inaugurated on 19-10-2012 by Kovai Medical Center & Hospital & KMCH College of Nursing at SRP Ammaniammal Girls Hr.Sec.School R.S Puram. Around 1200 children received free Dental and Medical check-up.
- Mrs. P. Jamunarani, Asst. Professor & other Faculty of Dept. of Psychiatric Nursing regularly conduct life skill training programs for school students.
- The program was conducted for the 8th standard and 7th standard students of Sri Ramakrishna Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Padmavathiammal Matriculation school and Venkatalakshmi Mat. Hr. Sec. School.
- They were taught about various life skills like respecting teachers; sharing with others, time management, interpersonal relationship, self confidence, self awareness, communication, overcoming peer pressure etc.
- KMCH awareness program was inaugurated on 7th September 2014 at Veeriampalayam Rural health centre.
- The activities of the Maternal and Child health Clinic include Antenatal check-up, Pap smear test, infertility management, adolescent and child care.
- Mrs. Devi and Ms. Mona Rani Ghosh joined as member of Friends of Police Association in the month of December 2014 and actively involves in youth women advisory groups.
- A program on legal awareness was arranged on 23rd April, 2015 by Friends of Police Association. Thiru. S. Jaganathan, Senior Civil Judge / Secretary, from District Legal Services Authority and Tmt. Arulmozhi Selvi Judicial Magistrate, Coimbatore spoke on legal services available for public.